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Active6 years, 5 months ago

Could anybody please help in understanding the parameters of Digital transistor from its datasheet. Basically i need two parameters which decide the Maximum voltage for off state(0 state) and minimum voltage for the ons state( 1 state).

You can take the below datasheet as a referencehttp://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/DTC143E-D.PDF

Durgaprasad9013 transistor datasheetDurgaprasad
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2 Answers


According to the datasheet, the typical values are <1.2V for OFF. and >2V for ON.

The datasheet shows the internals of the transistor, which looks like this (a rough approximation using a typical NPN) R2 and R3 are internal to the transistor. R1 is not part of the transistor, it's just a typical load to work against for the simulation:

If we sweep the input voltage from 0 to 3V (x axis) we can see the transistor begin to turn on around 1.2V and be almost fully saturated around 2V, which is roughly what datasheet states:

Oli GlaserOli Glaser
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First, you need to realize that digital transistor is not a universal term. Marketing people sometimes try to make up new terms for whatever they are selling to make them sound different and special. In this case, this 'digital transistor' is a ordinary NPN transistor with base resistors:

R1 allows connecting pin 1 directly to a digital output. R2 forms a voltage divider with R1 such that the voltage on pin 1 needs to be more than the roughly 700 mV B-E drop of the bare transistor for the transistor to turn on. Presumably the pin 1 threshold at which the transistor starts to turn on is about half of the logic high level. This helps with noise margin.

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To get the maximum off state voltage this transistor can withstand, you look for the same parameter you would for any ordinary transistor. After all, this is a ordinary transistor with two extra resistors added. You can get exactly the same thing with a transistor and two separate resistors. See the table of 'OFF CHARACTERISTICS' on page 4:

The last two clearly answer your off state voltage question. The answer in this case is 50 V.

The minimum on state voltage is again just a function of the transistor. Most silicon transistors will saturate at around 200 mV with little current, and go up a bit from there at high currents. Again on page 4, look at the 'ON CHARACTERISTICS' table:

VCE(sat) is 250 mv with 1 mA of input current. Then VOL is shown as 200 mV with 2.5 V on pin 1 and 1 kΩ load to 5 V on the collector. In other words, it behaves pretty much like any other ordinary small signal NPN transistor on the output side, which shouldn't be surprising since it is a ordinary small signal NPN transistor.

Olin LathropOlin Lathrop

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